Horse Meme

Simplify your Life with Mattes Washing

Does the continual washing of the bulky fleece pads fill you with dread? Take the hassle out of Mattes Washing

How to limit Mattes Washing Hassle?

There is a solution! And better yet this lets you grow your Mattes collection!!!

The PM system means you aren’t battling to fit pads in your washing machine.

Buy yourself a plain, boring – probably darker colour – half pad and then add a couple of styley top pads!

We charge $115 to add this to our pads.

So less than 1.5 Pads you are saving $$$ by changing to the PM system.

Work out the Maths and switch!

  • Updated 18 July 2022
  • Updated 17 May 2022
  • Initally published July 2021

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